Get your RV on ….for work

Creating RV Life Experiences at Holiday World RV

There are numerous considerations to keep in mind if you are thinking about using an RV (Recreational Vehicle) as your temporary home while you hold down an oilfield/pipeline or field job. Are you considering the option for you or your organization on the value of RV life?

A “home on wheels” is one alternative to high rents in some of the more popular oilfield/pipeline areas, but living in a trailer or glorified bus isn’t for everyone. If you have some savings and can maintain a lifestyle that doesn’t require a lot of space, RV living might be something worth considering.  Here are three reasons to get your RV on.. for work:

Costs – As I said earlier, full-time RV living does offer some cost advantages over more standard housing options. Other costs such as space to rent or park your “house” will be a consideration when purchasing. Financing your RV is…

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